Kinetics Software
2 min readNov 14, 2022

Sometimes you need to slow down to speed-up at work. Here are three productivity tips to get you from A to B by taking a moment.

If lately you’ve been feeling like you’re jumping from one task to another you’re not alone. As technology has made it easier to consume and share information, its getting more difficult to juggle work, life, and everything else. But here’s three tips to think about the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Stay organized on the go 🗃️

The Hermann Ebbinghaus curve stipulates that 70% of information processed in a day is forgot after 24 hours. How would it be possible to retain and retrieve important information on the go?

We’d recommend taking a moment to begin documenting and categorising your knowledge. By investing the time to set-up a documentation process, you can save precious time when you’re busy because you don’t need to spend brain capacity remembering or finding certain information. Structuring and getting into the habit of using knowledge management systems like Google Drive, SharePoint, and Notion can help you recall information with ease.

Leverage technology where possible 💻

You’d be surprised how many hours of work you can automated within minutes. Take a look at this post by a Zapier (automation software) power user on how technology automation can save you hours a week.

Take a moment to see if what you’re doing can be automated with the technologies you’re using. Sick of scheduling appointments? Try Calendly or Acuity scheduling. Tired of manually invoicing? Try the automation function inside Xero. The amount of automation available that can be done with technical skills are often understated.

Make it a habit ⚙️

If you’ve ever read of the global best-seller book, Atomic Habits by James Clear, you’ll know know a habit is something you do automatically that does not require significant brain capacity to complete.

So how does one go about creating a habit? There are many ways but the most common way is repetition. By repeating a process again and again, we begin to commit it into a habitual process. Take a moment to pause a review your workload and consider if there is a way to make it a process. For example, “when a meeting starts, I will open OneNote to take notes” or “when a meeting ends, I will send the notes to the attendees”. Then stick to these processes until they become effortless habits

At Kinetics, we’re all about productivity. If you’re interested in boosting your productivity at work check out out solution at and start using it for free!

Kinetics Software

Kinetics is an adaptive workspace for your team to collaborate & scale seamlessly with technology.